5 Hydrangea Shrubs With Stunning Fall Color

Who doesn't love a brisk fall day in the garden when beautiful red and orange hues and interesting textures take center stage? When temperatures cool, some hydrangea flowers fully dry and transition to lovely brown, red, and sometimes rich pink hues that look fabulous when cut in holiday arrangements. Some hydrangeas even feature foliage that stays intact and takes on vibrant autumnal hues that are a delight when strolling outdoors. Here, we'll list some of our favorite hydrangea varieties with multi-season interest and start a new show full of vibrant colors in the fall.

Zones 3-8, Full sun/part sun
Few other hydrangeas pack as many fabulous features in a small package as Little Lime Punch® panicle hydrangea! The thick, dense, mophead flowers age to a mix of pinks and reds in the fall while the foliage transitions from green to a deep purple. It's a convenient, space-saving habit covered with dozens of flowers every year, even in frigid climates. This hydrangea is an excellent choice for landscapers, flower gardens, low hedges, and containers.

Zones 4-9, Full sun/part sun
What makes Let's Dance Can Do!® bigleaf hydrangea stand out amongst other bigleaf hydrangeas is the impressive bud set, cascading beautiful flowers down the entire length of the stem. This means improper pruning or a harsh winter doesn't diminish the flower power! Gorgeous flowers take center stage midsummer and can be pink or blue/purple, depending on soil acidity. Come fall, the foliage transitions from deep green to vibrant red, blooming delicate pink flowers through the first frost.

Zones 3-8, Full sun/part sun
Little Quick Fire panicle hydrangea combines many fantastic, useful traits: it's the earliest panicle hydrangea to bloom each summer, compact, and features stunning fall colors. It's the ideal space-saving season extender for your landscape or garden! Its lacecap blooms begin to open early to midsummer and soon change to a red color that persists until frost. Its flowers have a light honey fragrance and attract pollinators too, which help to make it a real hub of activity and beauty in your yard.

Zones 5-9, Full sun/part sun
Gatsby Pink® oakleaf hydrangea is the pinnacle of deep, beautiful red fall foliage. It begins to bloom in early summer, and its big, fragrant, lacecap flowers soon take on beautiful, bright pink tones that persist through frost. This oakleaf hydrangea can also continue to produce new flowers throughout the summer to always look fresh and appealing. If you want to up the ante on your fall landscape, Gatsby Pink® from Proven Winners would be the ideal choice!

Zones 3-8, Full sun/part sun
If you thought you didn't have space for a fabulous panicle hydrangea, think again! Bobo® panicle hydrangea proves that great things come in small packages: it reaches just 3' tall and wide but is smothered in white cone-shaped blooms in summer. They are mophead blooms, not lacecap, but have a lacy appearance that lends elegance to nearly any landscape. As the season progresses, the flowers blush a soft pink and make excellent cuts, both fresh and dried. Bobo® is also very cold-tolerant, and the flowers look fabulous, fresh or dry.