

All hydrangeas

78 products

Showing 1 - 18 of 18 plants
18 results
Gatsby Moon Oakleaf Hydrangea has big mophead flowers for a lush, full lookGatsby Moon oakleaf hydrangea being grown in a grey decorative container.
Gatsby Moon® Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $23.99
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Rose Sensation false hydrangea vine boasts pink and white sepals that look as though they were painted with skilled brushstrokes.Rose Sensation false hydrangea vine covers the trunk of a mature cottonwood tree.
Rose Sensation™ False Hydrangea Vine
Sale price$21.99
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Gatsby Pink Oakleaf Hydrangea has large white flowers that turn vivid pinkCloseup look at the blooms of Gatsby Pink oakleaf hydrangea after they've turned pink.
Gatsby Pink® Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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A climbing hydrangea growing up a mature cottonwood tree, covered in white lacecap flowers. A sculpture of a bird stands at left.On a foggy morning, a very large and established climbing hydrangea blooms on a wooden pergola with a gate.
Climbing Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
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Quick Fire Fab panicle hydrangea is covered in large mophead blooms.A specimen of Quick Fire Fab panicle hydrangea in a field while it was being trialed by Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs
Quick Fire Fab® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale price$23.99
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Flirty Girl false hydrangea vine covers a tree or structure in beautiful flowers and glossy foliage.A close look at Flirty Girl false hydrangea vine showing its star like fertile florets and sail like sterile florets.
Flirty Girl™ False Hydrangea Vine
Sale price$21.99
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An impressive specimen of Limelight hydrangea covered in green cone-shaped blooms.Limelight Panicle Hydrangea is a best seller and creates the perfect long flowering hedge
'Limelight' Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $19.99 Regular price$21.99
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Fire Light Panicle Hydrangea is an easy care hydrangeaA specimen of Fire Light hydrangea covered in red cone shaped flowers.
Fire Light® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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New and improved Limelight Prime features large creamy green flowers in summer. A specimen of Limelight Prime panicle hydrangea planted in front of a house.
Limelight Prime® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale price$21.99
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Snow Queen oakleaf hydrangea is a large plant with huge white flowers.The dramatic deep red and burgundy foliage of Snow Queen oakleaf hydrangea.
'Snow Queen' Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
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Alice is a large selection of our native oakleaf hydrangea with white lacecap flowers.A large white lacecap flower of Alice oakleaf hydrangea.
'Alice' Oakleaf Hydrangea - DISCONTINUED
Sale price$21.99
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Vanilla Strawberry Panicle Hydrangea is a flowering hedge for sun or shadeThe large mophead panicles of Vanilla Strawberry Panicle Hydrangea take on bright strawberry pink tones.
Vanilla Strawberry® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale price$21.99
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Pinky Winky Panicle Hydrangea has massive panicles of two toned flowersPinky Winky Panicle Hydrangea has enormous cone shaped blooms of multiple shades of pink.
Pinky Winky® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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Gatsby Star Oakleaf Hydrangea has huge clusters of star shaped double flowersAn inflorescence of Gatsby Star oakleaf hydrangea displaying its distinctive double florets.
Gatsby Star® Oakleaf Hydrangea - DISCONTINUED
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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Candelabra Panicle Hydrangea with cone shaped pink and white flowers and green leaves planted in the gardenCandelabra Panicle Hydrangea with cone shaped white flowers and green leaves planted in the garden
Candelabra™ Panicle Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
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Moonrock Panicle Hydrangea with cone shaped white to green flowers and green leaves in the gardenMoonrock Panicle Hydrangea with cone shaped green and white flowers and green leaves in the garden
Moonrock™ Panicle Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
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Flare Panicle Hydrangea with cone shaped pink and white flowers and green leaves planted in the gardenFlare Panicle Hydrangea with cone shaped red flowers and green leaves in front of a blue sky
'Flare'™ Panicle Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
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Quick Fire Panicle Hydrangea is the earliest blooming panicle hydrangeaThe lacecap blooms of Quick Fire hydrangea begin to take on pink-red color early in the season.
Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea - DISCONTINUED
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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