
oakleaf hydrangea during the fall

Hydrangeas For Fall Color

30 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 30 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 30 products
Little Lime® Panicle Hydrangea is a dwarf version of Limelight with big green blooms in summer.Little Lime® Panicle Hydrangea takes on pink tones as its cone shaped green flowers age.
Little Lime® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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Firelight Tidbit Panicle Hydrangea transitioning to pink in late summer.A close look at the mophead inflorescence of Fire Light Tidbit panicle hydrangea showing its vivid pink color.
The flowers of Little Lime Punch hydrangea transform into shades of red and pink. Little Lime Punch hydrangea blooming in a garden.
Ruby Slippers oakleaf hydrangea has white cone shaped blooms that turn red in late summer.A closeup look at the pink-red florets of Ruby Slippers oakleaf hydrangea.
Rose Sensation false hydrangea vine boasts pink and white sepals that look as though they were painted with skilled brushstrokes.Rose Sensation false hydrangea vine covers the trunk of a mature cottonwood tree.
Up close image of fluffy white hydrangea flowersFluffy white hydrangea flowers in a sunny garden
Puffer Fish® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $23.99
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Fire Light Panicle Hydrangea is an easy care hydrangeaA specimen of Fire Light hydrangea covered in red cone shaped flowers.
Fire Light® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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Gatsby Pink Oakleaf Hydrangea has large white flowers that turn vivid pinkCloseup look at the blooms of Gatsby Pink oakleaf hydrangea after they've turned pink.
Gatsby Pink® Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99
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Pink, blue and purple hydrangea flowersUp close image of blue hydrangea flowers
Gatsby Gal oakleaf hydrangea planted next to a building and covered in large white cone-shaped blooms.Closeup look at the flower of Gatsby Gal oakleaf hydrangea, the bursts of fertile florets can clearly be seen beneath the sterile ones.
Gatsby Gal® Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $23.99
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Gatsby Moon Oakleaf Hydrangea has big mophead flowers for a lush, full lookGatsby Moon oakleaf hydrangea being grown in a grey decorative container.
Gatsby Moon® Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $23.99
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Three Bobo hydrangea plants covered in white flowers with summer sunshine coming through them.Bobo Panicle Hydrangea has pure white blooms and a compact habit to fit anywhere
Bobo® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $19.99 Regular price$21.99
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New and improved Limelight Prime features large creamy green flowers in summer. A specimen of Limelight Prime panicle hydrangea planted in front of a house.
The dramatic deep red and burgundy foliage of Snow Queen oakleaf hydrangea.Snow Queen oakleaf hydrangea is a large plant with huge white flowers.
'Snow Queen' Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
Pee Wee oakleaf hydrangea has uniquely shaped florets that resemble snowflakes.A closeup look at the distinctly shaped four petaled florets of Pee Wee oakleaf hydrangea.
'Pee Wee' Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale price$19.99 Regular price$21.99
Munchkin oakleaf hydrangea in full bloom showing its neat rounded dwarf habit.Two small plants of Munchkin oakleaf hydrangea with white cone shaped blooms.
'Munchkin' Oakleaf Hydrangea
Sale price$21.99
Pink and purple mountain hydrangea flowersUp close image of pink mountain hydrangea flowers
Tiny Quick Fire™ Panicle HydrangeaTiny Quick Fire™ Panicle Hydrangea
Powerball™ Panicle Hydrangea has large rounded blooms that start green before aging to pink and red. Two Powerball panicle hydrangeas, covered in round green flowers, bloom in a mulched landscape bed.
Little Honey oakleaf hydrangea has bright golden foliage that ages to pleasant chartreuse and brightens up shady spots in the garden.The bright new oak-leaf-shaped growth of Little Honey hydrangea quercifolia.
Alice is a large selection of our native oakleaf hydrangea with white lacecap flowers.A large white lacecap flower of Alice oakleaf hydrangea.
Quick Fire Panicle Hydrangea is the earliest blooming panicle hydrangeaThe lacecap blooms of Quick Fire hydrangea begin to take on pink-red color early in the season.
Pinky Winky Panicle Hydrangea has massive panicles of two toned flowersPinky Winky Panicle Hydrangea has enormous cone shaped blooms of multiple shades of pink.
Pinky Winky® Panicle Hydrangea
Sale priceFrom $21.99

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