Hydrangea.com was started by Elizabeth Dean and Gene Griffith in 2008. The Great Garden Plants family acquired the domain when Elizabeth and Gene semi-retired in 2021. Their nursery, Wilkerson Mill Gardens in Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia, remains open to serve the needs of local plant lovers.

Great Garden Plants has been around since 2008. In February 2017, we launched a new website.  In January 2019, founder Mary Walters retired and Great Garden Plants was purchased by Jeremy Deppe. Our team is more committed than ever to providing you beautiful, vigorous plants at a great price, as well as the inspiration and information to keep you planting.


We believe in what we do and sell and we work hard to bring you the best plants in the business. We back our product with our 100% Risk Free Guarantee.


It takes great people to grow, ship, and sell great hydrangeas. That’s why our in-house customer service team of experienced gardeners are available by online chat, phone, email to help you with your questions. Our office hours are 9-5 ET during shipping season, and 9-3 ET on off season.  Our greenhouse and fulfillment staff do such a tremendous job making it all happen during slow and peak seasons.


You’ll find some of the best gardening information at your fingertips all written by experienced gardeners who care about your success.  You’ll find a great deal of information on our gardening articles page.


Thank you for shopping with us and taking time to share your experience with us via email or reviews. Be sure to contact us if you need any help.


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